


South Sudan – TOTAL


Théophane Bouterolle

Senior Regional WASH Adviser - West & Central Africa at Save the Children UK

I have been working with Rémi under a similar position of Community Affairs Manager from 2007 until 2010. 

In a very challenging context, Rémi has managed to develop and implement water & sanitation as well as livelihoods projects aiming at reducing & managing the impacts of Total’s activities on the human environment, bringing optimal & sustained benefits to neighboring communities. 

Based on his experience and expertise, Rémi contributed to identify stakeholders’ expectations in order to evaluate orientations for local development plans, through a real partnership with the interested stakeholders, local authorities, and specific partners. 

It was a real pleasure to work with Rémi both on professional and social aspects.

Catherine Enck

Directrice de la Communication TOTAL HQ

Ecouter, dialoguer, proposer et mener les projets les plus pertinents pour répondre aux besoins exprimés par les parties prenantes : Rémi sait y réussir et l’a prouvé singulièrement dans l'environnement si complexe du Sud Soudan. 

Remi has been fully dedicated to his missions and has shown high professionalism that lead to success in all the projects in the difficult environment of South Sudan.

Francis Mila

Senior geophysic advisor at TOTAL HQ

Remi has been working during five years in South Sudan in charge of defining and implementing development projects in liaison with the local communities and authorities. 
These projects covered: access to clean water, education and sustainable farming. 
Remi has been fully dedicated to his duties and has shown high professionalism that lead to success in all the projects in the difficult environment of South Sudan.

Virginie Leveque

DSO Digital Communication at TOTAL HQ

Rémi is the person that is always present to render valuable services, the one that is here to help and you can count on! Available, precise, open-minded, he makes thinks go ahead so projets could be finalized.

Perez Kawumi

Ag.Manager Training and Agricultural Advisory Services at Uganda National Farmers Federation

Remi is an exemplary person and I think among the very few I have met who are inspirational to their colleagues. He has an untiring character that strives to see everyone succeed at their work and readily shares his experiences and advises, willing to walk an extra mile to ensure work progress.

Grace Fisiy

International Development Consultant

I met Rémi Oriot when I was working at Women for Women International (WfWI) HQ as their Agribusiness practice lead and was in charge of direct management and oversight of WfWI’s agribusiness income generation activities in the country offices in Eastern Africa. He was working for TOTAL E&P South Sudan and was a representative of one of our donors for agriculture projects with women groups. More than being only a donor's representative, he was really a partner increasing the capacity of the local team, helping them at several levels. We not only appreciated his expertise as an agronomist very much, but also his experience of team and projects' management. He was a good support for the farm school WfWI was running in Lakes State, particularly at productions level and in his participation in the organization of trainings for trainers. His practical experience was a real plus for the local team.


Mauritania – French Red Cross


Fahide Si Tahar

Irrigation expert

I enjoyed working with Remi who is a dedicated team leader and a helpful team player with a lot of technical background. I believe he is a great asset to any company.




William Berbon

WASH Consultant

Remi is highly skilled and experienced in his area of expertise, moreover he's dedicated to his job, his colleagues and staff. I strongly recommand Remi.

Mirindi Sostene

Expert en développement chez GIZ

Remi a su exploiter ses capacités techniques, managériales et communicationnelles en faveur des staffs et des bénéficiaires des projets. 
Ses prestations ont été plus que bénéfiques pour les staffs nationaux qu'il a su renforcer en capacités techniques. 
En effet, dix mois passés à ses côtés m'ont permis par exemple, d'acquérir une solide formation pratique en agriculture durable (que je ne connaissais qu'en théorie) qui elle -même m'a permis de progresser dans ma carrière en terme de responsabilité. J'étais le responsable agro d'un projet dans le Maniema avec Rémi comme chef de ce projet de sécurité alimentaire, je suis maintenant Expert Technique en développement économique local au sein de la Coopération Internationale Allemande (GIZ-REMAKI). 
Nous sommes toujours en contact et Rémi est toujours une personne "ressource" partageant des idées techniques et des documents intéressants.