Rémi Oriot
« Deep experience in economic and social development with a strong environmently friendly focus»
ADEME (French agency for the environment and energy management) certificate for Green House Gaz diagnosis.
Masters in Ecology and Ethology.
Masters of Social Sciences.
Organic agriculture practitioner .
- Supported the integration and adaptation of young migrants.
- Developped and led one of Brittany’s first organic products cooperative
- Designed and implemented the strategy of Biocoop’s national network of cooperatives.
- Developped and grew Vijaya Good Food Foundation’s fair trade products distribution network.
- Responsible for BIOAGRICERT’s international division. BIOAGRICERT is the first company to be certified by IFOAM, which includes Social Justice in its certification process.
- Managed numerous Food security and sustainable rural development projects in complex Sub-Saharan (Africa) contexts.
- Social affairs manager for one of the largest Oil & gas companies. Responsible for the economic development of local popupation groups.
Performed more than 1000 farm and processing unit diagnosis over the last 15 years.
Compiled for TOTAL a widely distributed photobook showcasing their corporate social responsibilty programme in South Sudan
Companies – Organizations

and other development organisations.
How I work?
Green house gaz diagnosis are realised with specific softwares developped by the ADEME and its partners.
For France : software Dia’Terre
For Europe : software Carbon calculator
For tropical areas : software ACCT - DOM
My work with local communities consists of a participatory approach that includes focus groups and plenary meetings.
I manage the implementation of carbon-reducing initiatives using effective project management tools:
- Problem/Solution trees
- The project cycle
- The logical framework and monitoring indicators
After the diagnosis phase, I organise technical trainings and provide technical support during the implementation phase.
Depending on the nature of the project, I work with a network of professional:
- Fulvio Gioanetto, Phd in Botany, specialist in the use of local tropical plants and fungi to fight pests and deseases. https://fr.linkedin.com/in/fulvio-gioanetto-055b6a31?trk=pub-pbmap
- Yves Fermont, Phd in Ichtyology , specialist in tropical fresh water fish. Expert in impact studies of crops, rivers and tropical lakes. http://www.yves-fermon.com/Site_Perso/Accueil.html
- Mathieu Oriot, Engineer in marine biology, expert in impact studies of coastal environments. http://kemm.fr/
- Kawumi Perez, organic agriculture crop manager. Training expert. https://ug.linkedin.com/in/kawumi-perez-68907054
My position
I’m currently an autonomous consultant that is part TALORIG’s network of prefessionals.
TALORIG is covered by its insurance for a 10 000 000 € risk.
TALORIG is certified to deliver training activities.
TALORIG is a wage portage company located in Britany working with 150 consultants.